Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sorry “City of Transformers” You’re Not a Transformers MMO Just Because You Put it in the Title

Today I received a press release from Destiny Development about their upcoming MMORPG City of Transformers, not to be confused with Hasbro’s Transformers Universe. I was actually thrown when I saw it as I began to wonder, how could I have not heard about a second Transformers MMO until now?

I then saw post the press release stating that it takes place in “an ‘alternative’ Transformers universe”…Ok, so I checked out the CoT website and no where could I find any mention that this game takes place in an alternative universe, however I did notice this line,

It is set upon the world of a distant planet, Amicron, that once survived a bloody war with Quintessons.
Quintessons are aliens from the Transformers universe, which in the TV series, are the creators of the Transformers and if you’re old enough you’ll remember them as the alien with five faces. So it seems that City of Transformers is based off Transformers lore and had it right.

I went to find out more only to learn that in this Transformers MMO, you aren’t a Transformer. Instead your a human that has the ability to control a machine, called a Transformer, to aid you in combat.

I seriously doubt Hasbro gave them permission to use the Transformers trademark when they are currently in the process of creating their own game, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the next thing we hear out of CoT is that they’re being sued by Hasbro.

View the original article here


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