Sunday, June 12, 2011

Reborn Horizon: Browser-Based Strategy Game

What would a post-apocalyptic world look like? The skyline, grey and obscure, is concealed in brownish smog and dust, which is suspending in the air as if the sun is not going to shine any more; the scared ground is jumbled with torn-down houses, uprooted trees, and piled-up rumbles on the bared lithosphere. Derelict and dilapidated, this land sees no future and promise. Yet hope survives, and survivors with it will make the horizon reborn here.

Out of such post-apocalyptic background emerges the game world of Reborn Horizon, which is a new browser-based strategy MMO with an immersive storyline of shaping a futuristic empire above the ashes of the past. The first and fundamental step players ought to take in the unpredictable journey is building the base and consolidating it, for it is in the foundation of all things, just like a little acorn from which a mighty oak tree will bud, branch out, bloom and bear fruits. Resources such as grain, stone and iron have to be produced in corresponding fields, harvested in due time, and then consumed partially to prompt the growth of the empire with the rest stored in warehouse for further use.

A powerful economy without doubt plays a crucial role in the growth of the empire, yet economy alone is far from enough, if players want to bring their nations into the pinnacle. Whereas growth requires economy, expansion must be achieved by war. More territories can only be hard-gained through battling one’s way to the ownership. While it is mostly likely that players would like to be the attacker who provoke a fight or declare war in the first place, it is also unavoidable that they will also be the defender to safeguard their painstakingly built empires. Besides, players can choose to fight single-handedly in the game if that is their individual fighting style, while at the same time they could form alliance with other players, which will bring about many benefits, such as higher odds to win in combat and lower rate to be targeted as punching bag.

The whole gameplay is proceeding in an artistically designed world hued by lowkey metallic colors. And the best player will have the chance to see the dawn break with its rising sun and the sliver lining of the grey cloud.

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