Sunday, September 18, 2011

More Diablo 3 Details Emerge

Blizzard has been revealing new information about Diablo 3 that have fans buzzing, particularly over the proposed real money auction house and the requirement of a constant Internet connection. The auction will operate alongside a game currency auction, and will allow player-to-player trades for real money, with Blizzard taking a cut of the proceeds. They have no plans to sell items directly to players through the auction at this point, although they are considering making some cosmetic items available. Only a handful of games have tried something like this, and it could really go over well with a game of this stature.

The need for a constant connection to, even when playing alone, is still a deal-breaker for some people. Blizzard's reasoning for this is that they want you to be able to use the same characters in both single-player and multiplayer, which means trying to ensure that all characters are legitimate. I'm a little surprised they didn't opt to let people create offline characters that could only be used offline, akin to what they did with StarCraft 2 offline mode.

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